Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Severe Poverty At Its Highest Level In America

U.S. food safety inspections languishing Under Bush Administration

The Iraq Effect: War Has Increased Terrorism Sevenfold

Olbermann on Gore’s Energy Use: Setting the Record Straight

"I have no problem with "think-tanks" scrutinizing Al Gore, but (a) for The Tennessee Center for Policy Research to call itself an independent and nonpartisan organization is laughable and (b) if they want to maintain that facade, try getting the full story at least"
You can watch the video at C&L by clicking here

Walter Reed patients told to keep quiet

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sy Hersh: The President is taking 'executive privilege to the absolute limit'

Another great one from C&L:

"We are simply in a situation where this president is really taking his notion of executive privilege to the absolute limit here, running covert operations, using money that was not authorized by Congress, supporting groups indirectly that are involved with the same people that did 9/11, and we should be arresting these people rather than looking the other way…"

To watch the video Click Here

Olbermann Nails Condi Rice

To watch the video: (courtesy of C&L) Click Here

Honeybees Inexplicably Disappear in 24 States

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bush ignoring urgent warning about Qaeda 'comeback'

Comparing the debate on the "surge" or escalation of US troops in Iraq to a "sideshow" like media coverage of pop star Britney Spears' shaving of her head, New York Times columnist Frank Rich worries that, just like in August of 2001, President Bush is ignoring urgent warnings by counterterrorism officials about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.

Chilling excerpt from Frank Rich's Sunday column:

"The White House doesn’t want to hear it now, either. That’s why terrorism experts are trying to get its attention by going public, and not just through The Times. Michael Scheuer, the former head of the C.I.A. bin Laden unit, told MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann last week that the Taliban and Al Qaeda, having regrouped in Afghanistan and Pakistan, “are going to detonate a nuclear device inside the United States” (the real United States, that is, not the fictional stand-in where this same scenario can be found on “24”)."

US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack

Iran intelligence 'incorrect'

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pizza Billboard Raises Eyebrows

The full story is here

Friday, February 23, 2007

Militias roil Baghdad streets

Christian Science Monitor:

In Sunni areas, men organize to battle what they say are Shiite-led death squads.
And let's not forget how some of these death squads were created. Does the name John Negroponte ring a bell?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Big Picture of the Libby Trial

Jane Hamsher from lays out the facts that emerged from the Libby trial:

1. The administration lied us into war and tried to abuse its power to punish the whistleblower who told the American public the truth.
2. Scooter is the firewall to Shooter.
3. Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and other members of the administration conspired to keep federal investigators from uncovering their crimes.
4. The media was complicit in spreading administration propaganda rather than doing investigative journalism, and are now helping to set the table for a pardon.
5. The journalistic standards that have been exposed in the case (witness Tim Russert, Judy Miller, Andrea Mitchell, Robert Novak and others) are reprehensible, and have undermined the public trust in the media.
6. The degree to which this story about the lies that lead to war has been ignored by the media (relative to the feeding frenzy over a Clinton blowjob) left a huge opening that the blogs have filled.

You can read the full article and check out her video coverage here

Maybe We Deserve to Be Ripped Off By Bush's Billionaires

'There is a cloud over the White House;' Not just Libby, prosecutor accuses 'them'

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cheney Conducted Covert PR Campaign to Defend False Case for War

Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army's Top Medical Facility

Monday, February 19, 2007

Excerpts from "It Could Happen Here: Authoritarian Peril in the Age of Bush"

I had Joe Conason on my show last February. He's a great writer and spot on when it comes to the egregious abuses of power we've seen by the Bush administration. Click the link for the full article:

In an excerpt from his new book, Salon's columnist explains why, for the first time since the resignation of Richard M. Nixon, Americans have reason to doubt the future of their democracy.

"The most obvious symptoms can be observed in the regime's style, which features an almost casual contempt for democratic and lawful norms; an expanding appetite for executive control at the expense of constitutional balances; a reckless impulse to corrupt national institutions with partisan ideology; and an ugly tendency to smear dissent as disloyalty. The most troubling effects are matters of substance, including the suspension of traditional legal rights for certain citizens; the imposition of secrecy and the inhibition of the free flow of information; the extension of domestic spying without legal sanction or warrant; the promotion of torture and other barbaric practices, in defiance of American and international law; and the collusion of government and party with corporate interests and religious fundamentalists."

US Attorneys Believed Fired Due to Political Clash with the White House

Friday, February 16, 2007

Fact Check: Misquoting Lincoln

Libby Trial Recap: All Roads Go To The White House

With both sides resting, jury instructions and deliberations ahead, David Shuster gives a recap to date of the testimony and how not only do all arrows point to the office of the Vice President but to the President himself. Remember when George said that anyone found leaking classified information would be dealt with?

To watch the video Click Here

Juan Cole Challenges White House's Iran Intel


On Keith Olbermann's program, Juan Cole Calls Bullshit...

To watch the video Click Here

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Assassinations, Terrorist Strikes and Ethnic Cleansing: Bush's Shadow War in Iraq


The constant sectarian violence in Iraq is not purely of domestic origin -- much of it is directed by covert U.S. and British military: Here is Bush's other war in Iraq.

Imagine a city torn by sectarian strife. Competing death squads roam the streets; terrorists stage horrific attacks. Local authority is distrusted and weak; local populations protect the extremists in their midst, out of loyalty or fear. A bristling military occupation exacerbates tensions at every turn, while offering prime targets for bombs and snipers. And behind the scenes, in a shadow world of double-cross and double-bluff, covert units of the occupying power run agents on both sides of the civil war, countenancing -- and sometimes directing -- assassinations, terrorist strikes, torture sessions, and ethnic cleansing.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Death certificates on abortions proposed in Tennessee

EU endorses damning report on CIA

Powell tried to push Iran talks in 2003 and was rebuffed, former official says

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Extremist Bush supporter calls for murder of scientists

Glenn Greenwald:

Whenever you think that Bush followers cannot get any more depraved in what they advocate, they always prove you wrong. This is what University of Tennessee Law Professor and right-wing blogger Glenn Reynolds said today about claims by the administration that Iran is supplying weapons to Iraqi insurgents (claims which, needless to say, he blindly believes):

This has been obvious for a long time anyway, and I don't understand why the Bush Administration has been so slow to respond. Nor do I think that high-profile diplomacy is an appropriate response. We should be responding quietly, killing radical mullahs and iranian atomic scientists, supporting the simmering insurgencies within Iran, putting the mullahs' expat business interests out of business, etc.

Basically, stepping on the Iranians' toes hard enough to make them reconsider their not-so-covert war against us in Iraq. And we should have been doing this since the summer 2003. But as far as I can tell, we've done nothing along these lines.

Just think about how extremist and deranged that is. We are not even at war with Iran. Congress has not declared war or authorized military force against that country. Yet Reynolds thinks that the Bush administration, unilaterally, should send people to murder Iranian scientists and religious leaders -- just pick out whichever ones we don't like and slaughter them. No charges. No trial. No accountability. Just roving death squads deployed and commanded by our Leader, slaughtering whomever he wants dead.

Senator Dodd to introduce 'Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007'; Bans torture, restores habeas corpus

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ex-Bush Iran official: US seeks pretext for conflict with Iran

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Iraqi Sunnis Offer Conditions for Peace


For the first time, one of Iraq's principal insurgent groups has set out the terms of a ceasefire that would allow American and British forces to leave the country they invaded almost four years ago.

[..]The demands include the cancellation of the entire Iraqi constitution — almost certainly because the document, in effect, awards oil-bearing areas of Iraq to Shia and Kurds, but not to the minority Sunni community. Yet the Sunnis remain Washington's principal enemies in the Iraqi war.

"Discussions and negotiations are a principle we believe in to overcome the situation in which Iraqi bloodletting continues," al-Jeelani said in a statement that was passed to The Independent. "Should the Americans wish to negotiate their withdrawal from our country and leave our people to live in peace, then we will negotiate subject to specific conditions and circumstances."

Saturday, February 10, 2007

CIA Analysts: Over 50% Of Bush's Iraq War Justifications Untrue

Obama Announces

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Feb. 10 -- Illinois Sen. Barack Obama formally launched his candidacy for the White House here this morning, invoking memories of Abraham Lincoln and challenging a new generation of Americans to help bridge political divisions and transform the nation.

Make sure to watch the video of his announcement by following the link. Amazing stuff. He's definitely my favorite in the field of democrats. It's going to be exciting watching Obama run.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Alberto Gonzalez's coup d'etat

Pentagon: Iraq Intel Manipulated To Support White House

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Suicide bombing kills 135 at Baghdad market

Tim Ryan slams the GOP over spending…

'Torture victim' seeks US justice

A Lebanese-born German, who accuses the CIA of having kidnapped and tortured him, says he is determined to get an apology from the US authorities.

This isn't the first innocent person that's been tortured by the U.S. under the Bush administration, and regrettably, he likely won't be the last.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cheney's Handwritten Notes Implicate Bush in Plame Affair

Copies of handwritten notes by Vice President Dick Cheney, introduced at trial by defense attorneys for former White House staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, would appear to implicate George W. Bush in the Plame CIA Leak case.
Bush has long maintained that he was unaware of attacks by any member of his administration against [former ambassador Joseph] Wilson. The ex-envoy's stinging rebukes of the administration's use of pre-war Iraq intelligence led Libby and other White House officials to leak Wilson's wife's covert CIA status to reporters in July 2003 in an act of retaliation.
But Cheney's notes, which were introduced into evidence Tuesday during Libby's perjury and obstruction-of-justice trial, call into question the truthfulness of President Bush's vehement denials about his prior knowledge of the attacks against Wilson.

R.I.P. Molly Ivins 1944-2007

Libby Trial: Smoking Gun for Impeachment?