Thursday, March 30, 2006

Another Casualty of Global Warming

WASHINGTON - A one-two punch of bleaching from record hot water followed by disease has killed ancient and delicate coral in the biggest loss of reefs scientists have ever seen in Caribbean waters.

This reminded of something Stephen Pizzo wrote in his article "Who's Counting the Bush Mistakes?"

"The Environment: Here's a little pop quiz: What happens if all the coral in the world's oceans dies? Answer: Coral is the first rung on the food-chain ladder; so when it goes, everything else in the ocean dies. And if the oceans die, we die.

The coral in the world's oceans are dying (called "bleaching") at an alarming and accelerating rate. Global warming is the culprit. Nevertheless, this administration continues as the world's leading global warming denier. Why? Because they seem to feel it's more cost effective to be dead than to force reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. How stupid is that? And time is running out."

To read the full article Click Here

Bush Knew Pre-war Intelligence Was Wrong- Blamed the CIA

My Letter to the Editor at the City Paper-In Response to Fascism

To the Editor:
Examining fascism
Many of the characteristics of Bush administration politics do not fit the traditional Republican form. So what do they fit? Charles Sumner, in his March 29 letter (“Do we have fascism?”,, defined fascism and asserted that “there are those who think that we are on the road to a dictatorial fascism.”

In the interest of shedding light on this subject, let’s look at what makes a government fascist. Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, in the spring of 2003 wrote an article in which he defined the 14 characteristics of fascism.

One of these hallmarks of fascism is rampant cronyism and corruption. We saw this during Hurricane Katrina when the negligently unqualified “Heckuva job Brownie” was exposed as a crony as head of FEMA.

Fascism involves an obsession with national security. According to Britt, “fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.” We saw this after 9/11 when our fears were used to get Americans to buy into a war with Iraq, despite that countries lack of involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Most troubling is the disdain for the recognition of human rights. Britt explains, “because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored …” We became painfully aware of this disregard for human rights when the pictures from Abu Ghraib began to emerge.

Out of the 14 characteristics of fascism, almost all have some relevance to what we see happening in the United States today. Bush once said, “If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier — just so long [as] I’m the dictator.” If we have not yet arrived at this system of government, we sit dangerously at the edge of its slippery slopes.

Cecily Friday

To read other City Paper letters to the editor Click Here

To read the letter I was responding to Click Here

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Abramoff sentenced to 5 years 10 months for Miami Fraud

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

Max Blumenthal joins me on the program this evening. His writings have appeared in publications such as the Nation, The American Prospect,, the Washington Monthly and is a regular contributor to He is a research fellow at Media Matters for America. In addition, He is recognized in his field as having received the Online Journalism Award for best independent feature in 2003 from the Online Journalism Association and the University of Southern California’s Anneberg School of Communications. He’s here to discuss his most recent coverage of the overwhelming reaction, in Los Angeles and elsewhere, to proposed immigration legislation. Join us for the discussion this Wednesday at 7:00 PM CST

To read Max Blumenthal's latest article Click Here

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fitzgerald Will Seek New White House Indictments

Monday, March 27, 2006

TIME: Global Warming Crisis Here

Justice Scalia flips the finger in church

Baghdad Governor Suspends Cooperation With U.S. Forces

NY Times obtains secret memo of Bush, Blair meeting before Iraq war

Friday, March 24, 2006

Iraq- Administration Abandons Reconstruction

On Feb. 28, the Bush administration announced it would not be providing any significant additional funding for Iraqi reconstruction projects, with the exception of prisons. Yesterday, Daniel Speckhard, the head of the U.S.-led program to rebuild Iraq told the Iraqi government that it "can no longer count on U.S. funds and must rely on its own revenues and other foreign aid." As the United States turns its back on Iraq's reconstruction, it leaves behind a legacy of waste, mismanagement, and misplaced priorities. "There was insufficient systematic planning for human capital management in Iraq before and during the U.S.-directed stabilization and reconstruction operations," noted Iraq's Special Inspector General Stuart Bowen. "Of the 136 water projects first envisioned, only 49, or 36 percent, will be completed. And only 300 of the 425 electrical projects will be completed." Anthony Cordesman at the Center for Strategic and International Studies called the U.S. reconstruction effort "a dismal failure. It hasn't met any of its goals. It's left a legacy of half-built projects, built to U.S. standards, which Iraq doesn't have the capability to maintain."

From the Center for American Progress


Earlier this month, President Bush released a signing statement on the Patriot Act that "nearly went unnoticed." The legislation "contained several oversight provisions intended to make sure the FBI did not abuse the special terrorism-related powers to search homes and secretly seize papers." Yet in his signing statement on the bill, Bush said he "did not consider himself bound to tell Congress how the Patriot Act powers were being used and that, despite the law's requirements, he could withhold the information." "Past presidents occasionally used such signing statements to describe their interpretations of laws, but Bush has expanded the practice." Late last year, he released a similar statement after signing the torture ban into law that "quietly reserved the right to bypass the law under his powers as commander in chief." New York University law professor David Golove said Bush's propensity for the statements is symptomatic of the White House's "mind-bogglingly expansive conception" of executive power.

From the Center for American Progress

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Barbara Bush's Katrina Donation-- to Son

Former first lady Barbara Bush donated an undisclosed amount of money to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund with specific instructions that the money be spent with an educational software company owned by her son Neil.

Wow- When it comes to outright offensive behavior the Bushies never disappoint. I'm sure ol' Barb gave the money to her son, because she didn't want to furthur pollute her beautiful mind with the ugliness of all those down and out poor people from New Orleans that are left with nothing.

GOP Specter Speaks out on Bush Warrantless Spying

Bush uncle set to earn millions from company that profited from Iraq war

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

Joining me on the program this week is Perry Jefferies. He served as a First Sergeant with the Army's 4th Infantry Division in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Often frustrated by the absence of priority on planning and basic Soldier needs, he has spoken out as a member of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. To learn more about this organization Click Here

And in the second half of the program, Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, President-elect of the National Lawyers Guild, and the US representative to the executive committee of the American Association of Jurists will be on the show. She writes a weekly column for She will be on the program to discuss the latest on the Iraq war in addition to the legal issues surrounding other Bush administration policies. Join us for the discussion on Wednesday at 7:00 PM CST.

To read Marjorie Cohn's latest article Click Here

US Blasted for Creating Terrorism Quagmire on Anniversary of Iraq War

'Iraq was awash in cash. We played football with bricks of $100 bills'

Insurgents Storm Jail in Iraq's Sunni Heartland

Monday, March 20, 2006

Iraqi police report details civilians' deaths at hands of U.S. troops

How to spot a baby conservative

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

I tested positive for the flu on Monday, so I'll be home recovering this week. No worries though- it's just the regular flu, not the avian variety. But tune in next week when I'll be back in full force.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Retired Supreme Court Justice responds to attacks by right wing Congressmen and warns of dictatorship

US rights groups ask courts to end domestic spying

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Republicans on Senate Intelligence Committee Refuse to Investigate Bush's Warrantless Wiretapping

South Dakota's extreme abortion ban is in perfect accord with what the United States has been doing internationally all along.

Abortion Rights Go South by Molly Ivins

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

Joining me on the program this week is Jeff Teague, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee. We'll be discussing the latest ruling in South Dakota that outlaws abortion, as well as similar pending legislation in Tennessee, among other issues. Tune in for the discussion Wednesday at 7:00 PM CST

To learn more about Planned Parenthood Click Here

US Marines Block Liberal Sites but not Right Wing Pundits

Block the Media

The wrong kind of media I should say.


Just to let you know, the US Marines have blocked access to “Wonkette” along with numerous other sites such as...

Wonkette - blocked
O'Reilly -- OK
Air America -- blocked
Limbaugh -- OK
ABC News "The Note" -- OK
Al Franken Show -- blocked
G. Gordon Liddy Show -- OK

Original post at crooksandliars Click Here

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bill Frist threatens to re-structure the Intelligence Committee in order to block NSA hearings

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Al Qaeda bragged of infiltrating Emirates government, casting shadow on security of port deal

Highly classified intelligence reports at odds with Bush's justification for Iraq War

Video Shows Bush Warned Before Katrina Hit

Ex-Official: Iraq Abuses Growing Worse