Thursday, August 31, 2006

C&L: Keith Olbermann Delivers One Hell Of a Commentary on Rumsfeld

To watch the video Click Here

"Thus forgive me for reading Murrow in full:

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty," he said, in 1954.
"We must remember always that accusation is not proof, and that conviction
depends upon evidence and due process of law.
"We will not walk in fear - one, of another. We will not be
driven by fear into an age of un-reason, if we dig deep in our history
and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men;
"Not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to
defend causes that were - for the moment - unpopular.""

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

Joining me on the program this evening is Katy Reckdahl. She is a reporter for New Orleans alternative weekly Gambit. The day before Hurricane Katrina hit, she gave birth to her son Hector in the Touro Infirmary in New Orleans. She is currently working on a year-long Katrina Media Fellowship. We'll be discussing her experience in the aftermath of the storm and reflecting upon where New Orleans is now a year after the storm. Join us for the discussion this evening at 7:00 PM CST.

To read Katy's story Click Here

To read her recent article Click Here

Fox News Ratings Take A Nosedive

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

VIDEO: Greg Palast on killing the culture of New Orleans

To watch the video
Click Here

Frank Rich: Return to the Scene of the Crime

President Bush travels to the Gulf Coast this week, ostensibly to mark the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Everyone knows his real mission: to try to make us forget the first anniversary of the downfall of his presidency.

As they used to say in the French Quarter, bonne chance! The ineptitude bared by the storm - no planning for a widely predicted catastrophe, no attempt to secure a city besieged by looting, no strategy for anything except spin - is indelible. New Orleans was Iraq redux with an all-American cast. The discrepancy between Mr. Bush's "heckuva job" shtick and the reality on the ground induced a Cronkite-in-Vietnam epiphany for news anchors. At long last they and the country demanded answers to the questions about the administration's competence that had been soft-pedaled two years earlier when the war first went south.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Stats Continue to Show Pattern of Right Wing Authoritarianism

Presidential adviser Karl Rove's net favorable rating among Americans is at -16, according to the latest Gallup poll.

The poll finds that just 22% of Americans hold a favorable opinion of Rove, while 38% see him unfavorably.

I've just been following recent polls and it seems that there might be a correlation here:

John Dean: "I ran into a massive study that has really been going on 50 years now by academics."... "The lead researcher in this field told me, he said, "I look at the numbers of the United States and I see about 23% of the population who are pure right-wing authoritarian followers

From the Center for American Progress:
"Reports of "harassment and discrimination against Muslims are rising." According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll, 39 percent of Americans said they "felt at least some prejudice against Muslims" and 22 percent "wouldn't want Muslims as neighbors."

Joe Conason: Salon- "Fifty-two percent say that the recent stem cell debate made them more inclined to vote for Democrats, and 49 percent said the same about flag burning, gay marriage and other "values issues." Only 29 percent -- essentially the conservative base -- said those debates would motivate them to vote for Republicans."

Schieffer on Katrina: Hezbollah more efficient than Bush admin

Alternet: "On Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer rips the Bush administration by suggesting that Hezbollah's effort to help war victims is more effective than Bush's ability to help Katrina victims."

To watch the video Click Here

Away in London But Returning this Week!

The show has been on hiatus for the past two weeks due to my trip to London. But stay tuned this Wednesday, when I'll be back to fill you in on the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. More details to follow...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Olbermann: The Nexus of Politics and Terror

To watch the video Click Here

From "Keith runs down the timeline from 2002 until the latest UK plot regarding the politicization of terror. Remember when Tom Ridge explained how the administration signaled terror alerts that he didn’t think should have been used?"

Monday, August 14, 2006

Bob Corkers Worst Nightmare

Did Cheney Go Too Far?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Seymour Hersh: U.S. involved in Israeli plans to invade Lebanon

Wired: U.S. Soldiers Are Sick of It

Saturday, August 12, 2006

U.S., U.K. at odds over timing of arrests

LEGAL Intelligence Gathering Thwarted London Plot

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Blast from the Past -Terrorism Threat Levels

The Right Wings Use of Fear

"-Bush followers who exploit terrorist threats for political gain and to gin up support for the president's policies are not pursuing rational arguments. They leap at the chance to manipulate terrorist stories because they want to ratchet up the fear levels, precisely because fear obviates rational analysis and increases the willingness of citizens to cede more power and control to the government, to place more blind faith in political officials in exchange for a feeling of protection."
-Glenn Greenwald

To read the full post Click Here

Right Wing Authoritarianism and Prejudice against Muslims

From the Center for American Progress:
"Reports of "harassment and discrimination against Muslims are rising." According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll, 39 percent of Americans said they "felt at least some prejudice against Muslims" and 22 percent "wouldn't want Muslims as neighbors."

John Dean: "I ran into a massive study that has really been going on 50 years now by academics."... "The lead researcher in this field told me, he said, "I look at the numbers of the United States and I see about 23% of the population who are pure right-wing authoritarian followers."

Someone should do some research to find out if this 22% of Americans that "wouldn't want Muslims as neighbors" are also right wing authoritarians. If I were to guess I'd say yes, but I'd love to see some research to back it up.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wesley Clark Responds to Lamont Win Lieberman Statements

"You see, despite what Joe Lieberman believes, invading Iraq and diverting our attention away from Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden is not being strong on national security. Blind allegiance to George W. Bush and his failed "stay the course" strategy is not being strong on national security. And no, Senator Lieberman, no matter how you demonize your opponents, there is no "antisecurity wing" of the Democratic Party." --Wesley Clark

U.S. Aims to Legalize War Crimes for Officials

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

Joining me on the program this evening is film Director Deborah Scranton. She declined an offer from the New Hampshire National Guard to embed herself in Iraq and instead handed the cameras over to soldiers in Charlie Company, 3rd of the 172nd Infantry Regiment. They filmed their year long experience serving in the Sunni Triangle in Iraq. Out of these hundreds of hours of footage came the documentary The War Tapes, which became the winner for best documentary feature in 2006 at the Tribeca Film Festival. Tune in this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM CST for the discussion.

To learn more about the movie Click Here

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Why the Neocons Heart Lieberman

Go Ned!!!!

"This clip, from a mid-July episode of The Colbert Report, sums up Joe Lieberman and the Connecticut primary perfectly."

To watch the video Click Here

Governers Criticize National Energy Policy: "It is a joke"

Friday, August 04, 2006

Raw Story acquires 91-page Republican playbook for 'homestretch' campaigning

And the War Goes on...

The picture above was taken in Israel. The quotes below are from children in Lebanon:

"I don't want to die. I want to go to school," says Jamal, a four-year-old Lebanese boy scarred by the Israeli bombing of his country. Home for Jamal is now a "displacement centre" in the southern town of Jezzine, where his family fled in fear for their lives.

"We've had our picnic, and we want to go home now," says another child, staying in a makeshift refugee camp in the Sanayeh public gardens in Beirut. "We are bored and afraid and we want to go home," says another.

These are the voices of the dispossessed of Lebanon, the hundreds of thousands of children whose world was changed forever in the seconds that followed the explosion of a bomb. "Mummy, what is a massacre?" another child asks." -Independent UK

Ambassador claims shortly before invasion, Bush didn't know there were two sects of Islam

Americans fault President George W. Bush for not safeguarding the environment

Bechtel Takes A Hit For War Profiteering

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Will Bush and Gonzales get away with it?

Blumenthal: The neocons' next war

Lobbying for Armageddon

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

Dr. Tony Campolo joins me on the program this evening. He is an ordained minister and the founder and President of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education. He has served as a professor of sociology at Eastern University and as a member of the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of 32 books including his latest work Speaking My Mind. We’ll be discussing the issues surrounding the rise of right wing evangelism as it relates to the current political climate in the United States today. Tune in for the discussion Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM CST.

To learn more about Dr. Campolo and his work Click Here