Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bush Nuts: Are George W. Bush lovers certifiable?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

War Protestor's Public Suicide in Chicago Went Unnoticed by Media

At 6:30 a.m. on Nov. 3 -- four days before an election caused a seismic shift in Washington politics-- Ritscher, a frequent anti-war protester, stood by an off-ramp in downtown Chicago near a statue of a giant flame, set up a video camera, doused himself with gasoline and lit himself on fire.

Aglow for the crush of morning commuters, his flaming body was supposed to be a call to the nation, a symbol of his rage and discontent with the U.S. war in Iraq.

"Here is the statement I want to make: if I am required to pay for your barbaric war, I choose not to live in your world. I refuse to finance the mass murder of innocent civilians, who did nothing to threaten our country," he wrote in his suicide note. "... If one death can atone for anything, in any small way, to say to the world: I apologize for what we have done to you, I am ashamed for the mayhem and turmoil caused by my country."

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

White House Related Robberies a Coincidence?

First this:
"[A]cting White House Travel Office Director Gregg Pitts was beaten and robbed by at least two men while out in Honolulu Monday night. Pitts suffered head and other injuries in the attack. He was awake and alert but remained behind at a Honolulu hospital because of a possible concussion, White House spokesman Tony Fratto said."

First Daughter Barbara Bush had her purse and cell phone stolen as she had dinner in a restaurant in Buenos Aires, Argentina, even though she was being guarded by a detail of Secret Service agents, according to law enforcement reports made available to ABC News.

It was not the only mishap on the two-week trip to Argentina by Barbara and her twin sister Jenna.

A Secret Service agent on the advance detail got into an "altercation" with someone after a night out and was badly beaten, according to the law enforcement reports. The Secret Service said today the incident was an attempted mugging that occurred while the agent was on his own time. The agent is doing fine.

Either these incidents have nothing to do with one another, or something is afoot. Perhaps someone is looking for something? Conspiracy theorists could have a field day with this one.

Keith Olbermann Special Comment on Bush's Vietnam Visit

To watch the video Click Here

Clinton AG Files Challenge to Military Commissions Act

Judge: FBI must correct disclosures on evacuation of Saudis after 9/11

Was the CIA Involved in Bobby Kennedy's Assassination?

CACI: Torture in Iraq, Intimidation at Home

Friday, November 17, 2006

Fmr Bush Official: “”The Democrats Are The Sideshow... Bush Self-Destructing Is The Big Story In Town"...

Breaking: Bush appoints abstinence-only nut to oversee repro rights funding

Legal Experts Comment on Military Commissions Act of 2006

“[T]he MCA (Military Commissions Act) dramatically expands the President's powers in an array of profoundly troubling ways, including permitting him to determine what constitutes torture and who may be labeled an "unlawful enemy combatant" and therefore detained indefinitely.” - The Center for Constitutional Rights

“It will be taken by the Bush Administration as a blank check to torture, to detain indefinitely without just cause, and to trample the values that win America respect in the world.”- Aziz Huq, Director of the Brennan Center for Justice’s liberty and national security project

“The Congress just gave the President despotic powers…”–Jonathan Turley, Constitutional Law Professor, George Washington University School of Law

“The President now has the ultimate dictatorial power” - Glenn Greenwald, civil rights attorney

Senate Dems plan overhaul of military tribunals bill

Thursday, November 16, 2006

CIA: Al Qaeda's strength is building

CNN's Beck to first-ever Muslim congressman: "[W]hat I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies' "

GOP Rep: Rednecks Didn't Show Up For Us

Five years on, conditions for women in Afghanistan are still poor

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

CIA acknowledges existence of presidential order authorizing it to detain, interrogate terror suspects overseas

Friday, November 10, 2006

Germany To Prosecute Rumsfeld, Atty. Gen. Gonzales, Fmr. CIA Chief Tenet For War Crimes...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Larry Johnson's Take on Rumsfeld Replacement

Allen to quit recount challenge?


"Rumors are flying fast and furious in DC that Allen may quit the race and give up on a recount challenge. And Allen's advisor Ed Gillespie, at a press conference, refused to say there would be a recount, instead pinning their hopes on the final canvas of votes.

The guy must be devastated. He didn't want to be a Senator. He was building a ground operation in Iowa and New Hampshire. He was telling Iowans that he was bored of being a Senator and wished he was born in Iowa instead.

He thought he was going to be president.

And suddenly, he loses a race for a seat that he didn't want in the first place? And it's not as if winning a long-shot recount would help him with his now-dead presidential ambitions. So the rumors may have some truth.

As for Montana, a recount is possible if the total is within 1/4 of one percent. There were 404,084 votes. 1/4 of one percent of that would be 1,010 votes. Right now, Tester has a 2, 848 vote lead. That one is over. There won't be a recount in Montana, even though Burns still refuses to concede."

BREAKING NEWS: Rumsfeld to Resign and Dems Take Montana!

These two new pieces came in, in a matter of a few minutes. Lots of exciting stuff going on out there. Now it comes down to Virginia. Webb is ahead.

You can read more about the Senate outcomes here


Raw obtains letter detailing Democrat's 'oversight priorities'

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Smackdown in the House!

Voting Machine Problems in TN


"And from Sullivan County, Tennessee, where TPM Reader SJ tried to vote:

Went to my precinct to vote and all 3 machines were not working. This precinct has a lot of lower-income families and public housing. They finally got one of the machines going, but the lines were out the door - I waited close to an hour and had to get to work. I wasn't the only one - most of those leaving were young(er) working people more likely to vote Democratic. I'll be coming back later to vote, but how many of those that left will be able to do that? You would think the machines would have at least been tested and working before the actual election day.
We're not going to be able to post every anecdote like this that we receive today. It would be beside the point. We'll be looking for trends and patterns. But regardless of whether you subscribe to deep, dark conspiracy theories of GOP election trickery, voting should be easy, accurate, and fair. It's not. The system is broken.

-- TPM Reader DK "

Report Voting Irregularities and Fraud

1-866-OUR VOTE (1-866-687-8683)
1-888-DEMVOTE (1-888-336-8683)(DNC hotline)
1-888-SAV-VOTE (1-888-728-8683)(voting machine problems)
Protect Our Votes
Election Protection
Video The Vote
Veek the Vote (cellphone video reports)

Republican national 'robo-calling' scam on eve of election

Monday, November 06, 2006

The American Conservative: GOP Must Go...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cheney Would “Probably Not” Appear If Subpoenaed

Well he didn't care about violating our laws on torture. What makes us think he cares about the subpoena authority of the U.S Congress

To watch the video Click Here

Saddam Guilty, Sentenced to Hang

Fired Investigators: 'Republicans Had No Appetite for Oversight'

Saturday, November 04, 2006

4 Military Papers To Call For Rumsfeld's Resignation On Monday...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Neocons: We shouldn't Have Invaded Iraq

Rothenberg Predicts Democratic Senate!

To watch the video clip Click Here

"The latest Rothenberg Political Report ratings are out. Here are exclusive excerpts provided to Political Wire:

The Senate: "While Senate control is in doubt, with Democrats most likely to win from 5 to 7 seats, we do not think the two sides have an equal chance of winning a majority in the Senate. Instead, we believe that state and national dynamics favor Democrats netting six seats and winning control of the United States Senate."

The House: "Going into the final days before the 2006 midterm elections, we believe the most likely outcome in the House of Representatives is a Democratic gain of 34 to 40 seats, with slightly larger gains not impossible. This would put Democrats at between 237 and 243 seats, if not a handful more, giving them a majority in the next House that is slightly larger than the one the Republicans currently hold. If these numbers are generally correct, we would expect a period of GOP finger-pointing and self-flagellation after the elections, followed by a considerable number of Republican House retirements over the next two years."

E-Voting Smart Cards Go Missing in TN

Poll: Britons warier of Bush than Kim Jong Il

Bush Admin Posted Nuclear Bomb Building Guide on Internet

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Evangelical Leader Accused of 3 Year Relationship with Gay Prostitute

DENVER - A gay man and admitted male escort claims he has had an ongoing sexual relationship with a well-known Evangelical pastor from Colorado Springs.

Haggard is the founder and senior leader of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. The church has 14,000 members.

He is also president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization that represents millions of people.

UPDATE: Haggard had close ties to the White House
The Rocky Mountain News described Haggard as a "giant of the conservative Christian movement, with direct access to President Bush." In May 2005, Harper's Magazine ran a piece on Haggard reporting that the pastor talked "to President George W. Bush or his advisers every Monday." Harper's also noted that when he was asked why Bush "had not apologized for the false assertions used to justify the Iraq war, or for the dishonest smears marshaled on his campaign's behalf," Haggard replied:

I think if you asked the President these questions once he's out of office, he'd say, 'You're right. We shouldn't have done it.' But right now if he said something like that, well, the world would spin out of control! ... Listen, I think [we Christian believers] are responsible not to lie, but I don't think we're responsible to say everything we know.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

U.S. Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques

Republican's Staff Assault Marine Vet

"Former Marine and first year law student, Mike Stark was asking Republican senator George Allen some questions about the arrest records he refuses to make public and whether he had ever spit on his first wife. (Rumors that the Republican had done so have been circulating). Men wearing "Allen" buttons then assaulted Stark, wrestling him to the ground and forcibly removing him from the premises."

To watch the video Click Here