Monday, November 21, 2005

This Week on Left Turn with Cecily Friday

This week, Cecily will be interviewing Joel Barkin, Executive Director of Progressive Legislative Action Network. Mr. Barkin is also former press secretary to Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Join us at 7:00 pm on Wednesday November 30 for the discussion. You can listen online at

To read more about Progressive Legislative Action Network Click Here

Reasons for Withdrawl

The debate in Washington has heated up over whether to stay or go in Iraq. Here is some reasoning from experienced military personell (Hat Tip- Crooks and Liars)

The general says that the main reasons for staying in Iraq are actually the best arguments for leaving. Here's the video:

Windows Version.
Quicktime Version

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

U.S. Admits to Using Chemical Weapons in Iraq

So does this mean that it's ok for us to use chemical weapons on Iraqis, but it's not ok for Saddam to do it? The hypocrisy never ends...

IRAQ -- U.S. ADMITS TO USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS: Reversing numerous prior denials, Pentagon officials said yesterday that white phosphorous was in fact "used as a weapon against insurgent strongholds during the battle of Fallujah last November." After first categorically denying any use of phosphorous, the Pentagon said months ago that the chemical was "fired into the air to illuminate enemy positions at night," but "not at enemy fighters." But in the March 2005 edition of the Army's official Field Artillery Magazine, three Army artillerymen describe using phosphorous in Fallujah "for screening missions at two breeches and, later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and spider holes when we could not get effects on them with HE [high explosives]. We fired 'shake and bake' missions at the insurgents, using WP [white phosphorous] to flush them out and HE to take them out." The use of phosphorous was uncovered in part by a new Italian documentary which depicts "a series of photographs from Fallujah of corpses with the flesh burnt off but clothes still intact," which is reportedly "consistent with the effects of white phosphorus on humans." Washington Post defense analyst William Arkin said yesterday, "What I'm sure of is that the use of white phosphorous is not just some insensitive act. It is not just bad P.R. It is the ill thought out and panicked use of a weapon in an illegitimate way. It is a representation of a losing strategy."

Debunking Prewar Intelligence Falsehoods

Cooking the Books and Politicizing Intelligence

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day- Thank You To All Who Have Served

Support Our Troops

Our troops deserve more support than just the hollow gesture of putting a yellow ribbon magnet on your car.

Often, when people ask us to support our troops, they are asking us to support the Bush Administration's decisions in Iraq. But is the Administration supporting our troops by sending them into a war based on lies? By sending them into one battle after another with inadequate body armor, inadequately armored vehicles? By bringing home the wounded in the dead of night so we can pretend they don't exist? By cutting veteran's benefits upon their return, so they have to struggle to pay for their housing, their groceries, their medical care? By making young men and women fight an unwinnable war, a war that no longer has the backing of the American people?

Today's Guilty Pleasure

John Cusack Speaks out on the Bush Administration

I don't normally give much weight to the political opinions of actors, but John Cusack is one of my favorites. He rocks. Therefore, I read his piece. And it's dead on. Check it out.

Here's a taste:
Bush 2. How depressing, corrupt, unlawful and tragically absurd the administration's world view actually low the moral bar has been lowered...and (though I know I'm capable of intellectually lazy notions of collective guilt) how complicit our silence as citizens is...Nixon, a true fiend, looks like a paragon of virtue next to the criminally incompetent robber barons now raiding the present and future.

Do As We Say Not As We Do

Senate Approves Limiting Rights of Detainees

If our country is to remain a leader in the realm of justice and human rights, we cannot continue down this road.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Would Someone Volunteer?

George Bush has started an ill-timed and disastrous war under false pretenses by lying to the American people and to the Congress. He has run a budget surplus into a severe deficit. He has consistently and unconscionably favored the wealthy and corporations over the rights and needs of the population. He has destroyed trust and confidence in, and good will toward, the United States around the globe. He has ignored global warming, to the world's detriment. He has wantonly broken our treaty obligations and he has condoned torture of prisoners. He has attempted to create a theocracy in the United States. He has also appointed incompetent cronies to positions of vital national importance. Would someone please volunteer to give him a blow job so we can impeach him?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Bush lies about U.S. policy on Torture

Bush lies in the face of reality regarding our policies on torture

Is he serious? I guess he hasn't bothered to look at the 100's of photos and hours of videotape the Pentagon has that directly contradict what he is saying. Bush is unbelievable. And let's just ignore the 100+ people that have been tortured to death on his watch. He's the one that used our own Justice Department to figure out ways to get around U.S. Torture Laws and the Geneva Convention, despite the many protests from military lawyers.

More Info on U.S. Policy on Torture:

Military Lawyers Oppose Policy on Torture

Summary of U.S. and Internationl Laws against Torture

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Former Nixon Counsel Speaks out on CIA Leak Case

John Dean, former White House Counsel to Richard Nixon speaks out on the CIA Leak Scandal

Looks like John Dean believes Cheney is in hot water and that there will be more indictments. This is also echoed by other legal scholars that have followed Patrick Fitzgeralds previous investigations. Apparently Fitzgerald goes for the little fish first.

As White House Counsel, John Dean became deeply involved in the Watergate scandal cover up, even referred to as "master manipulator of the cover up" by the FBI., and went on to become the star witness of the Watergate prosecution.
To read more about John Dean Click Here

Check Out DCCC's Provocative CIA Leak Ad

DCCC, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has a really well done ad about the CIA Leak Scandal-Check it out.

They even use my favorite song: Karma Police by Radiohead. I play it on my show quite often. Seems so appropriate right now. Like I've said before-It ain't over till the fat Karl sings. Enjoy the clip.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Propaganda Stories from the Pentagons Office of Strategic Influence

My Letter to the Editor regarding Iraq Deceptions

Nashville City Paper publishes my letter to the editor regarding Bush administration deceptions about the Iraq War.

Latest: Looks like they have a 100 word minimum for letters to the editor. I'm such an amateur! Important thing to know for next time. Especially if I want my sources sited! Just a small bump in the road on the journey to blogosphere diva punditry.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Larry Johnson, Former CIA Agent Speaks out on the CIA Leak

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Democrats detail times their efforts to examine intel were blocked

Reid Takes Senate Into Closed Session

Showdown on the Senate Floor

After years of obstruction by the republican held congress, Harry Reid brought things to a head today in the Senate. There has been a deliberate refusal by the republicans to investigate the Bush administrations fabricated intelligence regarding the Iraq war and the CIA leak case which amounts to acts of treason. Now we are seeing a moment of forced accountability at the hands of Harry Reid. He is a true patriot. The American people deserve to know the truth.

Bush's New Supreme Court Nominee-The Alito Primer

Basic Rights for Working Families
As a judge on the Appeals Court, Alito issued a ruling to gut the Family and Medical Leave Act, which guarantees most workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a loved one in an emergency. The Supreme Court effectively overturned that ruling in 2003—but if Alito were on the Supreme Court he would pose a grave threat to the basic rights of working families.

Civil Rights (in the workplace and beyond)
In separate cases, Alito wrote dissenting opinions that would have made it essentially impossible to prove employment discrimination based on race or disability. He was overruled and harshly criticized by his colleagues, but if he were on the Supreme Court he could turn back the clock on decades of progress in securing civil rights for minorities and the disabled.

A Woman's Right to Choose
Alito's judicial record and published views make him widely regarded as a sure vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. The extremist anti-abortion group Operation Rescue (who opposed Harriet Miers) responded to Alito's nomination today by saying: "Roe's days are numbered...We are trusting that we are now on the fast-track to derailing Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."7 If Alito were on the Supreme Court, reproductive freedom would be in serious jeopardy.

Privacy and Civil Liberties
In one significant case, Alito wrote a dissenting opinion that would have allowed an unauthorized strip search of a woman and her 10 year-old daughter, in their own home, without a warrant. Again, Alito was outvoted and strongly criticized by his fellow judges, but if he were to join Thomas and Scalia on the Supreme Court he would pose a grave threat to civil liberties and individual freedoms.