Despite CNN Distortion, Americans Prefer Obama Tax Plan

As ThinkProgress reported, CNN on Tuesday showed a deceptive chart which wrongly suggests that John McCain’s tax plan provides more Americans with greater savings than that offered by Barack Obama. But CNN’s upper-crust income brackets, which start at $161,000 and represent only 5% of taxpayers, conceal the inescapable truth that Barack Obama’s proposals offer working and middle class Americans steeper tax benefits at every income level up to $110,000. And according to a new Gallup poll released this week, that truth isn’t lost on American voters.
By 48% to 43%, Americans surveyed by Gallup say Obama would better handle the issue of taxes than John McCain. And with good reason. As the Washington Post detailed, an analysis by the Tax Policy Center showed:
“Obama’s plan gives the biggest cuts to those who make the least, while McCain would give the largest cuts to the very wealthy.”
By 48% to 43%, Americans surveyed by Gallup say Obama would better handle the issue of taxes than John McCain. And with good reason. As the Washington Post detailed, an analysis by the Tax Policy Center showed:
“Obama’s plan gives the biggest cuts to those who make the least, while McCain would give the largest cuts to the very wealthy.”
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