Lou Dobbs: E-Machines Threatening Democracy

Just days away from the South Carolina primary, Lou Dobbs warns about the dangers of electronic voting systems. Um, Lou? Where were you in 2004? 2000?
The reality is, because no one thinks — we’re focusing on this, the issue is that these machines are not reliable to the degree they should be and with a paper trail, verified paper system. There is — at least you’re protecting the integrity of the system so you have a recount. People must understand, you can’t have a recount without that.
Welcome to our world, Lou. Just shows you that the netroots have been ahead of the curve and it’s the MSM that must catch up. On a related note–not that it will assuage those who want to believe otherwise–NH’s Democratic primary recount has ended and they’ve found very few errors and the results remained basically the same.
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