Monday, October 01, 2007

Fred Thompson as Delusional as Bush

Former Sen. Fred Thompson, speaking in Iowa today, declared that Iraq did indeed have WMDs prior to the U.S. invasion. The Des Moines Register reports:
[Thompson] was certain former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction prior to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, a point of contention in the 4.5 years since the war began.

“We can’t forget the fact that although at a particular point in time we never found any WMD down there, he clearly had had WMD. He clearly had had the beginnings of a nuclear program,” the former Tennessee senator told an audience of about 60 at a Newton cafe.
Apparently, Thompson is as delusional as President Bush, who privately insisted through April 2006 that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. The Iraq Survey Group conclusively proved otherwise.


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