Impeach Gonzales

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Check out this testimony from Gonzo about his Ashcroft hospital visit….James Comey refutes it thoroughly. What a CREEP! I agree with Digby. Impeach Gonzo already:
His testimony, as usual, is unresponsive, misleading and sometimes perjurious. Today, he is smug and arrogant in attitude, sometimes even laughing at the questions. Apparently he believes he’s weathered the storm.
Even Jeff Sessions sounded pissed today. But I doubt it would get that far. He would likely feel the need to spend more time with his lawyers and would resign.
This man is an insult to the constitution. Impeach him. Get him out of there. Whatever it takes.
The Democrats need to stop worrying about the Republican attack dogs and get this man out. He placed his loyalty for Bush and Cheney above the needs of the country. The only thing missing from his resume is a degree from Pat Robertson’s Regent University.
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