Chipping Away at the Wall of Separation

Bill Moyers ran a special last night on PBS that examined the separation of church and state in the context of Pat Robertson's Regent University School of Law and its mission of "bring[ing] to bear the will of our Creator, Almighty God, upon legal education and the legal profession." Moyers paints a stark picture of a law school and a religious leader that are having a profound effect on the American system of law and government. Seeing Regent's newly graduated students talk about the philosophy they intend to bring to the practice of law (and most likely to the federal government) is frightening to anyone who appreciates the traditional notion of the separation between church and state.
O'Reilly likes to spout off about how radical and dangerous George Soros is to this country, but look what happens when you take his "Talking Points" and replace Soros and the left with Robertson and the right:
[F]ar right Evangelist Pat Robertson is buying political influence in America in an unprecedented way. Robertson is pouring tens of millions of dollars into far right Internet sites and organizations designed to intimidate Republican politicians and advance his radical right agenda.
At the center of this cluster is the notorious Christian Coalition, which has received at least $5 million from Robertson himself and an unknown amount from organizations he funds. Doesn't take a Jerry Falwell to figure out that Robertson now has direct access to the most powerful Republicans in the nation.
And now Robertson has set his sights on the political landscape here in America. He has his character assassins lined up. He has the Christian Coalition ready to move out. And he has direct access to the highest levels of our government.
Although BillO never articulates exactly what Soros's "far-left agenda" entails, it's pretty clear what Pat Robertson's "far-right agenda" is: To move America closer to a Christian theocracy that lives under under Biblical law; not secular Constitutional law. To any rational person, Robertson and the religious right are a far greater threat to American values and system of government than Soros could ever be.
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