Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Wedge Issue Rant Replay

This is part of a post I wrote in May, but felt like it needed to be said again, considering the shameful pandering the GOP is participating in this week.

Gay marriage is the GOP’s wedge issue du jour and its proven useful before in distracting the public from the real issues we face, like a president who lied us into a war, approved torture, spied illegally and now has the nerve to still lie to us about it.

We should not be surprised, after all its an election year, which makes it time for the Republican majority, with our own Senator Frist taking the lead, to trot out their wedge issues (abortion and gay marriage) in order to get their homophobic, anti-women’s rights base to come out to the polls and pull the lever for the GOP, like so many rats in a Skinner box.

Bring up gay men living in wedded bliss or women making choices about what to do with their own bodies and these republican followers drool like Pavlov’s dogs. It worked in 2004, will it work again in 2006? Those of us that haven’t been conditioned to respond to these GOP tricks hope it doesn’t.


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